GdR fibmat meets in November 2024 for doctoral courses and scientific exchanges
12-15 Nov 2024 Brest (France)

Week of the GDR CNRS 2139 FIBMAT

The GDR FIBMAT focuses on fibrous materials, based on synthetic, natural or recycled fibers. Without being exhaustive, the targeted applications cover textiles, flexible, intelligent and functional structures, biomaterials but also reinforcements for composites and living tissues.

In this context, the objective of this GDR is to bring together the different mechanical communities working on these materials with the desire to understand and identify their mechanical behavior, optimize their architectures, take into account the origin of these fibers, and the control of the manufacturing processes of materials based on these fibrous structures, while considering the couplings inherent to the targeted applications. The work of the GDR will draw on the expertise of the partners of this thematic network, through experimental, theoretical and numerical approaches at the different scales of these architectural materials.

Thus, the GDR FIBMAT has four thematic groups :

1. Mechanics of ordered or disordered fibrous media and intelligent and multifunctional flexible materials,

2. Thermo-hygromechanical couplings and flows in fibrous media,

3. Structure and mechanics of biosourced and recycled natural fibers,

4. Mechanics of soft tissues of living organisms and fibrous materials for biomedical applications.


The GDR FIBMAT week, organized from November 12 to 15, 2024, will be divided into two parts:

- the days of November 12 and 13 will include doctoral courses intended mainly for thesis students, post-doctoral researchers, etc.

- the days of November 14 and 15 will be the scientific days of this week of the GDR with conferences relating to the four axes of the GDR mentioned previously.



Registration is free but required.


Poster session for doctoral students:

PhD students coming to the GdR are invited to bring a poster, which will be presented at the GdR poster sessions on November 14 and 15.

All posters will be accepted, but for logistical reasons we ask you to register your poster via the link "Poster title OR abstract submission" on the left, and choose the right type (poster, not abstract).; only the title, authors and group are requested. It is not necessary to fill in the "Abstract" field. 


Submission of abstracts for Group 4 presentations:

During the scientific days (Nov. 14 and 15), Group 4 is calling for abstracts for presentations or posters. To do so, click on the link "Poster title OR abstract submission" on the left, and choose the right type (abstract, not poster). The deadline for submitting abstracts is October 7, 2024.


Location of the event: Ecole d'ingénieur ENIB, 945 av. du Technopôle Brest-Iroise 29280 Plouzané.

The event is organized by : laboratory IRDL and Universities ENIB, UBO and ENSTA Bretagne.



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